Hi friends - Quick update on my life since my last post. We started OHVA last Wednesday. I am in information-overload, but all is going well. OHVA parents warned me that it would feel overwhelming at first until you get in a groove. They were right, but at least I had the head's up! It's more about how to use K12 software, what to click, etc. I think I've got most things figured out now.
I am LOVING the curriculum! Matt & I were stunned to see how much our 1st grader learned in the first week of school. Wow. And the best part is, she is enjoying it. Our 4yo is along for the ride too. I'm impressed with how much she already knows. I'm still working through other "fun" things for her to do while I work on more intense things with my oldest. I'm trying to make sure the 4yo & I have our special time together each day too. I have always tried to do that one-on-one daily time with both -- even if it's just 10-15 minutes, it makes such a difference. Having school each day is helping me be consistent with it.
CON - I haven't been assigned a teacher yet, but OHVA has had an huge # of enrollments over the past week. They are working on overflow at this point. Hopefully, we'll get our assignment soon and I can get to know our new teacher.
Weeding through information & research, lessons and trying to read other books has filled my time from morning until bedtime. (There's also been some extra stress with possible lay-offs with Matt's job at Momentum. But that's a blog for another day.) I haven't watched TV in weeks. Actually, I've watched it a couple times. Specifically, 3 episodes of Friends in the past 3 weeks.
It's a whole new world! I thought I would be a little sad when we saw the school buses drive by on the first day of school. Nope -- we were doing a dance-party in the living room with our bedhead hair! We've already had great adventures and I know there is much more to come. I'm getting more relaxed, figuring out what works. And now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to veg out in front of the tube in my broken loveseat. ;) I'd better schedule the chiropractor visit now.
My 2025 Goals: Part 2
1 week ago
:) God Bless teachers :) It's awesome that a parent is able to participate in a child's education through this type of schooling. Have fun with it, I'm always an email away if you have any questions.
thanks Tawnee!!
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